Lonely Seasons
This summer has been really hard. I cant say that its been bad, just hard. God gives us lonely seasons that he uses to help us grow. Rain is necessary but sometimes it is just not fun. I was reading Bill Johnson's book entitled, Strengthening Yourself in the Lord and he said something that was very profound for me. One of the problems I have had during this season is feeling abandoned by the ones that I love. I call them the "I just needs" and the "I'm so's." Most of my complaining begins with one of these two phrases. I just need a friend to talk to. I just need a church that feels like family. I just need to get out of this or that situation. And the I'm so tired, I'm so lonely, I'm so frustrated etc. In his book, Johnson says, "for the sake of becoming mature and growing in favor so that we can bless those around us, God brings moments into our lives when we have to stand alone in difficulty and testing. God will even blind the e...