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"...without vision the people perish." I definitely felt as though I was going to perish after returning to America and realizing that I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing with my life! I bet Abraham felt that way when God told him to go, but didn't tell him exactly where. I strongly dislike making decisions, especially important ones that have a significant effect on how I will live my life in the coming months and years. But more than that, I just struggle with transitions. However, what I have realized lately is that in order to get something you have to give something up. Someone I heard recently said that you have to give up the small to get the big. The problem is that the small doesn't feel so small when you are getting rid of the only thing in your hand. Wouldn't it be better to keep what you have than risk losing that? It's all about trust. Trusting that God knows what He is doing and that He will get you where you are supposed to go. I had...